A big Whew!
Here are the final ponderosa videos of Colby, Jerry with the final three! Greatest season ever!
Will post the finale recap tomorrow! See you next season at Survivor Nicaragua!
Here's Rupert's arrival at Ponderosa
Here's Danielle's arrival at Ponderosa.

Videos will play after some advertisements.
Here's Candice arriving at Ponderosa. Seems she's not welcome at first.
And here's the official The Dragons Music Video of Coach, Courtney and JT.
Coach and Courtney seems to have a good voice right? haha! Much better than their survivor stint.

Will be posting the recap and Danielle's arrval at Ponderosa later...
Here's Amanda at Ponderosa after being voted out and made her the 4th member of the jury. >>

Videos will start playing after the advertisements.

Ever wonder where the voted castaways went on, well those who made it as jury members
had the pleasure of being at what they called "Ponderosa". These are unaired clips with each voted castaways that was uploaded on Youtube. Coach serves as our first jury member this season... Clips after the jump.