A lot has happened from Survivor's previous episode and it definitely gave us predictions for the season finale. Two Immunity Challenges, One Hidden Immunity Idol and Two Tribal Councils! >>
Rupert and Colby were very pissed at Candice flipping for the villains. This brought Rupert to a confrontation with Russell.
First individual immunity challenge is the same from the Micronesia season. An Endurance task where they need to hang their arms tied in a rope connected to a container. At each time, Jeff is going to tempt each castaway to sit down by offering them some snacks. Sandra and Russell were the first two to share the first offer.
Colby immediately took the next offer and sat down. Followed by Candice, Danielle and Jerry. That left us to Rupert vs. Parvati who won this from Micronesia Season.
Parvati won the individual immunity. Jeff revealed the twist he mentioned before the challenge and it's a clue to another hidden immunity idol. Seems we have too much of HII this season, because of how Russell made it exciting during Samoa's season?
So everyone looked for the idol after getting back at camp. Russell didn't found it, but Sandra did! No one even saw her!
And finally, someone who i thought was a waste of slot made a minor redeeming move, by putting a rock on his pants and pretending it to be the idol. And Russell was the first one who noticed Rupert may have got it. He then started to talk to the tribe and they wanted to flush the idol out by splitting the votes.
Jerry then brought up that this is the time they should get rid of Candice
Colby and Rupert had the chance to vote out Candice.
Surprisingly it wasn't a unanimous vote for Candice from the villains tribe.
Colby + Rupert + Jerry + Sandra + Russell = votes for Candice = 5 votes
Parvati + Candice + Danielle = votes for Rupert = 3 votes
But still sent Candice off as the fifth member of the jury.
Second Individual immunity challenge is a sort of relay, wherein in the end, Russell, Rupert and Parvati competes to solve the slide puzzle.
He may haven't got the hidden immunity idol but Russell won this immunity challenge that he needs to start ending Parvati and Danielle's alliance. He talked to both each time trying to break their trust to each other.
But Parvati is not the type that will just listen to whatever Russell says and he talked to Danielle if they're all true. This brought them with Sandra to doubt about Russell's motives.
They realized that they should ask Jerry not to vote for Danielle since Russell is conniving with Rupert and Colby to vote for Danielle.
At Tribal Council, the confrontation between Russell and Danielle made her cry. Mentioning their alliance from the beginning and then suddenly will just vote her out from nowhere.
So if Jerry decided to vote with Russell, the outcome will be:
Russell + Colby + Rupert + Jerry = votes for Danielle = 4 votes
Parvati + Danielle + Sandra = votes for Rupert = 3 votes
The jury was in awe of what they are seeing. Loved Courtney as a jury, she definitely is more exciting to watch as a castoff. and Coach?
Russell whispers to Jerry to vote for Danielle and it looks like Jerry did a last minute decision to send her at Ponderosa and become the sixth member of the jury.
This is just a one hour regular episode but a lot has happened since there were two tribal councils. I don't think Russell's plan of destroying his final three alliance with Parvati and Danielle is right, it maybe, but it's not just the time, specially since Sandra is still there, who also happens to found a hidden immunity idol. It could put her to an alliance with Parvati which is more strategic with Danielle.
From the preview of next episode, it looks like Russell indeed aligned himself with Colby and Rupert as the final three but we'll still see what's going to happen.
I would be happy to hear your thoughts for the finale. See you next week!