A big Whew!
Episode 2 : It's getting the best of me - Boston Rob
Episode started with Boston Rob talking about how he tried to provide for his tribe. Not until Jerri saw her lying on the ground. Jeff Probst and the medics came to check on him. He was out and looked very tired. Medics told Jeff he was sick. Jeff talked to Rob, saying It's getting the best of him already, maybe after doing a lot of work in his tribe. He then came up that maybe it's over, he's over on helping, that he was there to be the bad guy, the villain. Rob then got up and went back to his tribe.

There is no separate reward challenge. Immunity Challenge is the same as one from Tocantins season, survivors need to push big boxes to their place and solve the puzzle where the letters on the boxes should spell their tribe name. So it was JT, and Coach leading for their tribe.

Aside from immunity, a reward in the form of rope, nails and tarp for shelter. Both teams needed to sit out members, Courtney and Randy for Villains, and Rupert for Heroes tribe ( for having a broken toe).

Like from the previous episode, Heroes got the early lead but Villains looks like good on puzzles.

This started to piss James off on Stephenie for continuous talking. He keeps saying one voice and that's JT.

This gave the Villains the consecutive win.

Back at the heroes camp, James started talking about how Stephenie ruined the challenge. and that JT shouldn't be sorry for the failed task. Stephenie's alliance, Tom and Colby started to mark James as a bully.

At Tribal Council, alliances became obvious as Tom and Colby tried to oppose James.

In the end, majority voted for Stephenie against Amanda. Steph was saying her goodbye to the tribe and James seems to be annoyed and told her to shut up as Tom looks too ashamed of James.

Here's the episode 3 : "That Girl is like a virus" preview. Focusing on James, with Courtney telling James that he was on the wrong side.
2/21/2010 06:01:14 am

Villains is smashing the Heroes to pieces in these challenges :)) Anyways, it's just a concept for me, best strategy wins this game and not whether they are Heroes or Villains. For sure, all players has that villain'y edge to them in order to win Survivor20! :D

2/22/2010 10:29:00 am

i have a feeling heroes will win the next immunity.


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