A big Whew!

This is indeed the best reality show ever. Period. After a week of hiatus, it was all worth it as we finally saw Russell starting to scramble his tribe, including Boston Rob. >>

We see Russell talking to Boston Rob at the beginning of the episode, and it seems their feud is starting to heat up with Rob telling Russell that he better have the Hidden immunity idol. We've waited for this for a week and it looks like we're getting the best of Rob vs. Russell this episode.
There is no seperate reward challenge again, but instead an individual immunity challenge for both tribes. That means we'll have 2 boots this episode.

Challenge is follow-the-rope-until-the-end, similar to the Tocantins season which was won by Tyson, and JT and Coach came close on winning.

Finally, a much awaited moment for Candice as she won the immunity necklace.

And we have our proof that Boston Rob is not only good on puzzles, he won the immunity necklace for the villains.

Additional reward is Candice vs. Rob with the winner bringing their tribe to watch the tribal council of the opposing tribe while eating hotdogs, fixins and softdrinks.

Obviously, Boston Rob will win.

Back at the heroes camp, Colby told everyone that he's ready to go and that they should show less at the tribal council for the villains. However, Amanda just realized that James' injury could weakened their tribe, so he asked him to show that he can still run.

JT raced with James, and just when we thought, James can't just bully JT this time. Instead, JT run backwards while Ruper

Here we have the Boston Rob vs. Russell again, since Rob has immunity, he told Russell he better find the idol if he doesn't have it. Russell looks pissed and planning on using the idol.

Here's the twist, right before the tribal council. Everyone is voting Russell and Parvati, and they would split the vote to both. So here's should be the voe according to Boston Rob:

Rob + Tyson + Sandra = votes for Russell = 3 votes Russel
Coach + Jerri + Courtney = votes for Parv = 3 votes Parvati


Russell + Parvati + Danielle = votes for Tyson = 3 votes Tyson

So as i said, here's the start of Russell's strategy that we saw in Samoa, he talked to Tyson
and told him that it's breaking his heart that he doesn't want to vote Parvati and the idol to save her. OUT OF NOWHERE, Tyson said that he's going to filp his vote and write Parv instead! Boom! Hahaha!

Let's see what happens.

At the villains Tribal Council, there's a Sandra versus Russell argument plus Rob's take on Hidden Immunity Idol.

And just after the votes were written, Russell stood up and looks like casting his Hidden Immunity Idol, he mentioned that's not the way.

And look at this Boston Rob's reaction, he's like, "You can cast that idol and Parv will go home, dumb."

And Russell just gave Parvati the Idol. Everyone's shocked as Russell puts himself on the chopping block.

Not until all the votes were read. Since Tyson REALLY flips his vote, it became

Rob + Sandra = votes for Russell = 2 votes Russel
Coach + Jerri + Courtney + TYSON = votes for Parv = 4 votes Parvati ( HII CASTED, VOTES DOES NOT COUNT )


Russell + Parvati + Danielle = votes for Tyson = 3 votes Tyson

What a risk Russell took!

That sends Tyson home.

Poor Tyson!

And here's Boston Rob's reaction after what happened.

What Just Happened!? Parvati was still in shocked that Russell really sticks to their alliance.

Danielle also seems amazed at what Russell did.

And btw, look at Sandra, she's amazed too!  WTF!

Villains were given their reward of hotdogs and softdrinks while watching the Heroes' Tribal Council.

Pretty much predictable who's going home.

Another WTF reaction for James looking at his torch. Yes he didn't make the jury this time!

Just when i thought there is no Coach Idiot Moment this episode, here it is!

What a great episode! Boston Rob will surely get even on Russell, and we'll see if that happens!

This is the reality show people, enough of those obviously scripted here locally.

Can't wait for Episode 7!
3/25/2010 03:22:58 pm

I love this:

And look at this Boston Rob's reaction, he's like, "You can cast that idol and Parv will go home, dumb."


work muna ko, more reactions on ur recap later mwahahaha ^_^

3/26/2010 07:35:47 am

I was literally laughing upon seeing his reaction after the HII was casted,

and i almost missed Coach's idiot moment of the week. :)


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