This screencap says it all about what happened this episode. Coach would like to give some hug for Boston Rob after Jerry and but Rob insisted and says " You're a little man ".
Hahaha! You're so mean Rob, Coach is just a man of beliefs. Whatever. More after the jump.

So the episode started with Rob, Courtney, Sandra and Jerry still in schocked about the last tribal council. Rob thought that they should have talked to Tyson somehow, and Sandra says Russell did. And then there's the blame on Tyson who just left. Rob can't believe that those 3 people outwits their 5 member alliance, quoting that something is just not right.

Jerry sat down with Parvati, Russell and Danielle at the beach, and Danielle is trying to convince her that you need to stick to your alliance if you wanna make it to the end. Parvati then offered her that they will bring her to the final four. Jerry's doubting how, and Parv refers to the Micronesia Alliance from the previous season.

Here's now the reward challenge, a basketball game on the beach.
Looks like those writers can't come up with new challenges, or what? We've been seeing the same challenges before, or that's really intentional?

Look! Coach just got the ball and threw it.
NO GOOD! TOO Short Coach! Haha!

That led to the Heroes to win the reward challenge.
Wow! Looks like James' departure brought the tribe to a much tighter tribe.

Reward is a feast, includes chicken, chips and.......

a clue for another Hidden Immunity Idol.
I like having this hidden immunity idol given to them than the previous Exile Island, where being away from the tribe doesn't gave much stories and twists.
So Candice found it and Amanda reads the clue. The tribe decided to find it together when they come back to the camp.

At the villains tribe, Russell is doing some talks with Jerry and Coach. And he is pursuing that he will bring them to the final three, and not Parvati and Danielle.
Coach says he can't give his word.

Immunity Challenge is another puzzle task, where we know Boston Rob is good at.

But someone from the villains tribe costs their lead advantage, and it was Courtney.

JT and Amanda will be the one to solve the puzzle and they seem to be working together.

Boston Rob and Sandra for the Villains tribe is having a bit of problems solving.

Heroes finally won an immunity.

Back at the villains camp, Russell sat down with Boston Rob, Courtney and Sandra. Rob asked Russell what do you think they need to do, and he answers why not vote out the weakest player from them. He points at Sandra and Courtney face to face.
Rob laughs and told him that's not the nice way to gather friends, and Russell insisted that it's just for the game.
I'm really hoping this Russell vs. Boston Rob is real, and not in any way being staged.

Rob then talked to Coach and they discussed about trust.
Coach seems to have gave his word on Rob.

However, Jerry found time to talk to Rob and would like to tell him about their trust issues.
Rob just told her that they're already grown ups and she know what to do.
Right now the votes looks to be tie, with eight members going to the tribal council.
Boston Rob + Courtney + Sandra + Coach = votes for Russell = 4 votes while
Russell + Parvati + Danielle + Jerry = votes for Rob = 4 votes
Wow, we're going to an exciting tie breaker vote, or a challenge at the tribal council. That would be EXCITING! Not unless, someone flips his vote.

At the tribal, Coach made an argument that voting Tyson really is not a good decision because he bridges the gap from the tribe and that makes them weaker.

Rob agrees to Coach but Russell is insisting that they just made the tribe stronger. Parvati adds up and says that there are people who can't get over it and it shows from the immunity challenge, referring to Rob who just did the puzzle.

So the votes is between Rob and Russell. Jerry seems to be the deciding vote not until...

Coach voted for Courtney! He believes that the weakest member should go because she deserves it.
So no more tie breaker vote, no more challenge at the Tribal Council. Because Rob is voted off.
Crazy decision from a crazy person. I believe Rob deserves a spot in the jury.
We'll see if Jerry could last longer or Russell keeps his word that she really is with him.
Russell vs. Boston Rob is over. Not much of a move by Russell this episode because Jerry stood up and made her own strategy, and someone just blew an exciting tribal council.